Out of Home Industry overview
A landlord will normally lease a hoarding site to a hoarding contractor such as JC Decaux, Clear Channel, Global Outdoor, Alight Outdoor, 75 Media, Build Hollywood and Ocean Outdoor for a fixed term with a rent review.​
​The hoarding contractor is normally responsible for build costs and outgoings relating to the development of the hoarding site and display. Once built, the displays are usually sold fortnightly slots to a poster specialist such as Talon, Posterscope or Kinetic who are instructed by adverting agencies on behalf of clients (end users).
There are a number of parties involved in the hoarding industry between Landlord and Advertiser.
Landlord's Agent (i.e. Advertising Site Management)
Outdoor Media Owner These include: Alight Media, BlowUP Media, Build Hollywood, Clear Channel UK, Global Outdoor. JCDecaux UK, Ocean Outdoor.75 Media.
Poster Specialist These include: Kinetic, Posterscope, Rapport, Talon
Advertising Agency / Media IndependentÂ
Outdoor advertising revenues as a whole saw an increase of 7.2% to £1.295 billion for year ending 2023. www.outsmart.org.uk
6 Sheet
 2.2 sq m
Usually seen on bus shelters, street furniture and the London Underground. May be illuminated internally or digital.

Click to enlarge and for dimensions.
 13.5 sq m
May be illuminated internally or digital.

Click to enlarge and for dimensions.
48 Sheet
 19.2 sq m
This is the most common type of hoarding seen in the UK and may be static, internally illuminated or digital. The portrait format is known as P10.

Mega 4
 24 sq m
May be illuminated internally or digital.

Click to enlarge and for dimensions.
Click to enlarge and for dimensions.
Mega 6
 37.5 sq m
May be illuminated internally or digital.

Click to enlarge and for dimensions.
96 Sheet
 38.4 sq m
This may be static, internally illuminated or digital.

Click to enlarge and for dimensions.
Mega 96 Sheet
 86.5 sq m
May be illuminated internally or digital.

Click to enlarge and for dimensions.
Banner / Wrap
Banner Hoardings are usually externally illuminated and normally are over 100 sq m in size.
Ambient Media
This terminology covers advertising on supermarket trolleys, beer mats, telephone boxes, taxis, washrooms etc.
Dimensions noted throughout are approximate.